Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore


Substantive law

  • Italy country report of the International Guardianship Association
  • Italian Civil Code (articles 404-432)
  • Law No. 6/2004, introduced Section XII in Book 1 of the Civil Code (articles 404-413 concerning caretaking with residual capacity for the ward).


Procedural law

  • Italian Code of Civil Procedure, article 75, para. 2 (procedural representation), articles 78-80 (on the appointment of a guardian ad litem).


Private international law


Case-law specifically concerning the cross-border protection of adults

Tribunal of Pordenone, decree of 7 March 2002 (Il corriere giuridico, 2002, 773), on the law applicable to the protection of adults of foreign nationalities.

Tribunal of La Spezia, decree of 10 March 2011 (La nuova giurisprudenza civile commentata, 2011, 1, 815), on the law applicable to the protection of adults of foreign nationalities.

Tribunal of Verona, decree of 11 March 2011 (Famiglia e Diritto, 2012, 191), on the law applicable to the protection of adults of foreign nationalities.

Tribunal of Belluno, decree of 1 August 2019 (Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale, 2020, 637), on jurisdiction concerning the appointment of a guardian to an adult on Macedonian nationality who find herself in Italian territory, or habitually residing in Italy, and the law applicable to the protection of the adult in question.

Court of Cassation, Joint Chambers, order of 19 February 2020, n. 4250, on jurisdiction in matters relating to the protection of an adult of Italian nationality living abroad.