Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

RAVEL - Repository on the Protection of Adults

Repository of documents on the law and practice concerning the international protection of adults


The purpose of Ravel is to provide scholars and practitioners with legal information on the international protection of adults who are not in a position to protect their interests because of an impairment or insufficiency of their personal faculties. The repository is meant to covers the rules of private international law in this field, domestic and international, as well as the universal and regional instruments that enshrine the fundamental rights of those concerned, and the domestic rules that govern adults’ protection, both substantively and procedurally.

The name of the repository is a tribute to French composer Maurice Ravel (1875-1937). He suffered for several years from a neurodegenerative disease of uncertain origin, which resulted, among other things, in aphasia, apraxia and memory losses.

Ravel is a project run by the Institute of International Studies of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart. The Scientific Coordinator of the project is Pietro Franzina; the content manager is Lorenzo Acconciamessa.

Scholars and practitioners are encouraged to inform the project team of relevant developments, such as new rulings and new publications, and to signal inaccuracies and gaps. 


To get in touch with the project team, please write an e-mail to pietro.franzina@unicatt.it.


The Repository’s architecture:

  1. The Hague Convention of 13 January 2000 on the International Protection of Adults
  2. Universal human rights conventions
  3. Regional human rights convention
  4. Domestic law and case-law
  5. The protection of adults in the legal order of the EU
  6. Bibliography
  7. NGOs and civil society initiatives
  8. Other materials